Herb's Adventures Plus
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Family Photo Album
The Hinz/Pokolm Family History
Schneider Family History
Edgington Family History
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Events 2000 to 2002
The Early Days
Moving East to West
The School Days
Working for a Living
Events 2003


Welcome Winter Sunset


Welcome to Herb's Adventures Plus web site.
Click on any of the underlined topics on the left to see other topics.
Here you'll learn about me: my interests and hobbies, the people in my family, my pets, and more.  I've even included a list of my favourite links to other sites.
See the bottom of this page for new postings.
It will take longer to open this site, on the "first time" you open it, because I have so many photos in this site.  Photos take a lot longer to download or open than regular text, especially on the first time you enter the site.  The next time that you enter this site, it should open much faster.  PS -- it will appear that some photos may not open, but give it time, and they will all open.

Herbert and Rose Hinz

A casual gathering below, of the entire family of Herb and Rose.  That's Herb sitting at the bottom left in the white shirt, and Rose sitting on the bottom right.  May 4, 2002.

They got a big laugh at the camera doing it's work

Top L to R - Edith (Rodney's wife) holding son Mitchel, Nicole (Daphne's daughter), and Shane (Sandy's husband).
Middle L to R - Brian, Mariann (Kevin's wife), Kevin, Daphne, Rachel (Rodney and Edith's daughter), David (Daphne's son), Tyler (Sandy & Shane's son), Brendon, (Rodney and Edith's son), Rodney.
Bottom L to R - Ashton (Cheryl & Laurence's son), Laurence, Herb, Cheryl, Brittany (Rodney & Edith's daughter), Sandy holding her son Kyle, Rose.

It was almost impossible to get the whole family together, but this occasion was for Brian's delayed birthday party, and they all made a special effort.  His birthday was on April 13th, but he was still in the hospital until the 18th, because of his leukemia treatments.

Herb's brother Arthur Hinz and wife Margaret

Rose's brother Bob Edgington and Cathy

Herb's sister Doreen & her husband Edwin Knoblauch

Rose's sister May and her husband Art Faust

Herb's sister Darlene and husband Bob Zabalotney

Sister Myrtle, her husband Roman Lange and family
BR Darrell, Gary and Kenny -- FR Edna, Roman, Leona, Myrtle and Debbie == I may be wrong with girls

Herb's sister Dolores Knoblauch

Herb's brother Joey, Louise Pokolm & family
BR Terry, Murray, & Darren -- FR Perry, Della, Louise, Joey, Lerry

Amendments, additions or changes for this home page.

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change. For example:

11/5/02 -  I added a new article to the NEWS page about "Sticky Do's".  Tips on using Scotch Tape.  To see it now, just click on the underlined sticky do above.
On November 10, 2002 I reported that Herman Schneider  received an unbelieveable 2nd "award medal", and this time from Holland.  Click here to go to the Schneider Family History.  When the page opens -- scroll down to "Does Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?"
November 21/02, added a new page named "HEALTHY LIVING".  Read them over and over, until you understand.
December 7/02 -- Every Christmas, at least one of the family asks Mom for her "Carrot Pudding and Vanilla Sauce" recipes.  Click HERE to go to the page bottom, where I hid it.
December 10/02 -- Do you know what they put in your Laundry Detergent?  Click here on LAUNDRY DETERGENTS and go to the "Healthy Living" page, and then scroll down to LAUNDRY DETERGENTS, and see what you are putting in your washing machine, every time you wash your clothes.
December 12/02 -- Hot Foods for Cold and Flu Season.  Foods that can help you fight that cold or flu bug.  Click HERE to go to the Healthy Living page.
December 15/02 -- Posted a photo of Herman Schneider being awarded the Queen Elizabeth 11's Jublilee Medal.  The photo was posted by the London (Ontario) Free Press, on December 8/02.  Click HERE to get to the Schneider Family History Page.  Scroll to near the bottom of the page.

December 17/02 - I added "two SPECIAL photos" to the Family Photo Album page.  The 1st is a photo of Kyle & Tyler, and the 2nd is of Brittany.  Click here to go to the page.

February 15, 2003 --
Inserted a list of some SUPER FOODS that you should eat, and a list of some foods that have SECRETS that you should know about -- plus a nutrition I.Q. TEST.  Click here to see it on the Healthy Living page, near the bottom. 

March 18, 2003
Click on the Healthy Living page (in the upper left corner of this page) to see -- Dr. William's advice on Practical Health Information in these Uncertain Terrorist times.
The recent threats of bioterrorism have caused researchers to focus on ways to treat a wide variety of bacteria and viral infections.
Find that the most economical and effective solutions for non-life-threatening illnesses, will be the use of immune boosting and natural germ-killing substances. Not only do many of these substances have a long history of safe use, they're also readily available, and, more importantly, pathogens don't become resistant to them. Elderberry extract and eucalyptus oil are just two examples. If you've used either of these products to prevent colds or flu, I'm sure you realize they're worth their weight in gold -- says Dr. Williams.

On December 31, 2002 I took the latest photo of Brian, and posted it at the bottom of the FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM page.  Click here to go to the page.
Brian's Year End Progress Report
The final report on Brian's progress was inserted at the bottom of the text, in the 2000 to 2002 page.  I also inserted the last photo of him, there.  Click here to see the text and the photo page.  Scroll to the bottom of the page.

On January 3, 2003, I added an article -- Give Your Liver the Spa Treatment in the Healthy Living page.  Click here to go to the Healthy Living page, and then scroll to the bottom. 

February 11, 2003 -- It has been brought to my attention that on some pages of my web site, it was not possible to print parts of some photos near the right border, because they seemed to extend beyond the right border of the printed page.
These photos are large and are all on the right hand side.  They are made larger to accentuate an item or to make it more readable.  It is possihle to make print as a photo, as you would an ordinary picture.
To make it, so that your printer will print the entire photo on the right hand side -- set your left and right page borders to 0.3, before you start to print, or make the borders as small as your printer will allow.

Home Food Storage and Vegetable Care
November 24, 2003
For many years, a lot of our vegetables went bad prematurely, because we were storing them the wrong way.  Now, we can store them not only longer, but they are also more crisper.  To see what we do -- click here to go to the Healthy Living page.  Scroll to the bottom to see the article -- Home Food Storage and Vegetable Care.